
艾菲茉刀柄是臺(tái)灣勤堃機(jī)械股份有限公司大陸關(guān)系企業(yè)主營產(chǎn)品之一。勤堃機(jī)械成立于1978年,坐落與臺(tái)灣臺(tái)中縣.專業(yè)生產(chǎn)高精度自動(dòng)鉆夾頭(CHUCK)并創(chuàng)立了EVERMORE和GOLDENGOOSE這兩個(gè)品牌。公司于1992年開始成立VDI部門,生產(chǎn)各種車銑復(fù)合車床刀座。并于2002年成立CNC刀桿部門,專業(yè)生產(chǎn)精密機(jī)械配件。公司擁有先進(jìn)的加工中心、數(shù)控車床、磨床和高精密檢測(cè)儀器。恒溫車間和每一個(gè)工件每一道工序的100%全檢確保產(chǎn)品的高品質(zhì)。公司主要生產(chǎn):一、加工中心用刀柄:1.BT-30/40/50、2.DIN69871-40/50(簡稱“SK”,等同與ISO7388/2等同我們國內(nèi)JT標(biāo)準(zhǔn))3.CAT-40/50(美標(biāo))其中BT和SK的常規(guī)刀柄如:ER筒夾刀柄、OZ筒夾刀柄、莫氏有扁尾刀柄(MTA1#~~~MTA5#)、莫氏無扁尾刀柄(MTB1#~~~MTB5#)、側(cè)面固定式(SL)、面銑刀柄(FMA、FMB、FMC)、強(qiáng)力刀柄(KMC)等都有數(shù)萬支的庫存在大陸。二、車削中心用動(dòng)力刀座.(依照DIN69880標(biāo)準(zhǔn)生產(chǎn),標(biāo)準(zhǔn)刀座,動(dòng)力刀座一應(yīng)俱全,驅(qū)動(dòng)齒符合:SAUTER,DUPLOMATIC,BARUFFALDI刀塔,備有各式標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)格尺寸,庫存完整.占有臺(tái)灣90%以上的市場(chǎng)分額,臺(tái)灣**生產(chǎn),*具競爭力.可以直接配合以下日本車銑復(fù)合機(jī)使用:MORI-SEIKI(森精機(jī)),MAZAK(馬扎克),OKUMA(大隈),TAKAMAZ,WASINO,MIYANO,并且和美國哈挺等單位建立了長期的業(yè)務(wù)合作關(guān)系。三、高精度自動(dòng)鉆夾頭(世界**精度,以O(shè)EM或自有品牌之型態(tài)暢銷日本及歐美)我們自信在制造機(jī)床工具和附件的領(lǐng)域里我們扮演著一個(gè)重要的角色,為您提供精美成熟的產(chǎn)品,。我們的產(chǎn)品廣泛服務(wù)于機(jī)械工業(yè),我們會(huì)盡*大的努力來滿足客戶提出的各方面要求。隨著產(chǎn)品在市場(chǎng)中逐步成長,銷售商和用戶對(duì)我們的認(rèn)識(shí)將更加深入廣泛。為此我們將一貫秉承以質(zhì)為本的經(jīng)營理念,永遠(yuǎn)追求*佳,以服務(wù)創(chuàng)造無限!附件:日本車銑復(fù)合機(jī)動(dòng)力刀座:MORI-SEIKI,MAZAK,OKUMA,TAKAMAZ,WASINO,MIYANO. (臺(tái)灣勤堃VDI動(dòng)力刀座及加工中心刀柄).
Taiwan has frequently relationship between mainland machinery Co., LTD. Often has machinery was established in 1978, is located and Taiwan. Specializing in the production of precision automatic taichung drill CHUCK (CHUCK) and founded the GOLDENGOOSE EVERMORE, and the two brands. Company founded in 1992, the production of various departments VDI milling knife composite lathe. And in 2002, CNC tool rod department, specializing in the production of precision machinery accessories. The company owns advanced machining centers, numerically controlled lathe, grinding and high precision testing instruments. Each workpiece with constant workshop of every procedure.warmly 100% full inspection to ensure that the products are of high quality. Company mainly produces: a, machining center with grip: 1.the BT - 30/40/50, 2. DIN69871-40/50 (hereinafter referred to as "SK," ISO7388/2 equal synonymous with our domestic JT standard) 3 CAT - 40/50 (America) one of the conventional BT and SK: ER tube clamps hilt, OZ tube clamps hilt, there's the MTA1 (flat end MTA5 ~ ~ # # #), no tail handle's flat MTB1 (MTB5 ~ ~ # # #) and lateral fixed (SL), surface milling cutter handle (FMB FMA FMC), and the power, and KMC (etc) of tens of thousands of stock in the mainland. Second, turning centers with the power DIN69880 in accordance with the sword. (standard production, standard knife knife, motivation, driving gear hris seat with SAUTER: DUPLOMATIC, BARUFFALDI, with all kinds of standard knife tower, complete specifications, occupy Taiwan stock. 90% of the market share, Taiwan sole production, the most competitive with Japan. Can directly below the milling machine using composite SEIKI - (paulson MORI: pure machine), MAZAK (mazar-e grams), OKUMA (big), Wei TAKAMAZ, WASINO, MIYANO, and America's units, established long-term business relationship, high precision automatic. Three drill chuck (world first-class precision, OEM or private brand popular in Japan and Europe type) we are confident in the manufacture of machine tools and accessories in our field plays an important role, will provide fine mature products. Our products and services to industrial machinery, we will try our best to meet customers' requirements. With all aspects of the products in the market of gradually grew, distributors and users of our understanding will be more extensive. Therefore, we will adhere to the business philosophy, always pursue the best service, create unlimited by Japanese car accessories:! Milling knife block: MORI composite move, OKUMA SEIKI - MAZAK, TAKAMAZ, WASINO, MIYANO,.